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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

REVIEW: 11/22/63 by Stephen King

11-22-63 by Stephen King
Genre: Historical Fiction, Sci-Fi
Read: 13th February 2013
Purchase: Amazon

★★★★★ 5 stars

Oh wow! I loved this book! But I hated the fact that Sadie was killed and Jake never went back to find her again in the Land of Ago, as he called it. Although it was a nice ending where they came together in the present day some 40 odd years between them, but I'm a romantic. I wanted Jake to go back to 1960 Jodie and fall in love with Sadie Dunhill all over again. And live their lives from that day the Land of Ago.

I would so love to see this in a movie, but I fear there would be changes which are bound to irritate me, as with anything taken from novels to screen. At any rate, I would LOVE to see it as a movie!