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Friday, 16 February 2018

REVIEW: The Girl Before by J.P. Delaney

The Girl Before by J.P. Delaney
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Read: 16th February 2018
Purchase: Amazon

★★ 2 stars

What can I say about a book that took over halfway to get remotely interesting? And the fact I actually stuck it out to find out what happened? I must be a masochist.

Firstly, this book reads so much like "Fifty Shades" without all the S&M...though there is an element of rough sex in parts - just not descriptive like "Fifty Shades". 

Secondly, I don't like Edward at all. He is controlling, narcissitic and completely OCD to the extreme. Emma and Jane are fools to not see this fact when it is pointed out to them the truth about him. The fact there were over 200 rules they had to agree to before signing the contract should have rung warning bells. Those women are clearly deluded or just stupid. 

Thirdly, each alternating chapter is THEN: Emma and NOW: Jane. Each chapter is a mirror image to the one before as if he (Edward) is trying to recapture what went before. He is not even original. By this stage I am pretty much sticking with it just find out the truth about Emma's death and his wife and son's deaths. Yep...definite "Fifty Shades" feel here except in that Christian Grey was at least likeable. This element of control is so clearly abuse. 

Fourthly, a book that takes 65% before it starts to get really interesting is not a great book in all honesty. I must admit, it did get interesting as lie after lie was exposed, but it really took too long to do so. And had I not wanted to plough on just to find out the truth about Emma's death, I would have given up long ago. Maybe the movie will be better but given that it is Ron Howard directing and he is into arty farty weird shit, I wouldn't bet on it.

And lastly...I can't believe I sacrificed sleep for this!

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