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Saturday, 24 March 2018

REVIEW: Best Friends by Carys Jones

Best Friends by Carys Jones
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Read: 24th March 2018
Purchase: Amazon

★★ 2 stars

This was an average book. It wasn't so much a thriller as a tale of four friends who are broke that find a case full of £20,000 and then proceed to spend it when the inevitable happens. It wasn't exciting; it wasn't thrilling. It was just going through the motions till the end. I did enjoy Franklin's outbursts and quips. He was the most entertaining of them all. Grace was so positively unlikeable and the promise of something more with the prelude of her brother's death when she was a child promised something that quite frankly didn't deliver. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the story. 

So far this year I've encountered many a disappointing book I've either struggled through or not bothered to finish. I'll just add this one to the list and move on to something far more promising...NEXT!!!

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