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Friday, 12 June 2020

REVIEW: Finding Clara by Anika Scott (ARC)

Finding Clara by Anika Scott
Genre: Historical fiction
Read: 11th June 2020
Purchase: Amazon
(publication date: 5th March 2020)

★ 1 star

I love my historical fiction but I just found FINDING CLARA too difficult to get into. I couldn't connect with the characters and I was thoroughly confused as what was supposed to be happening.

Clara Falkenburg is living under the assumed name of Marguerite Muller. Although she is being hunted for war crimes by Captain Fenshaw, I couldn't actually work out what Clara's crime was to have been. Or where she actually came from. In the opening chapter she is in a doctor's surgery, seemingly there for a complaint but is actually involved with Herr Doctor Blum. When he pops the question, I am not sure what Clara was up to. Did she want to marry this man or not? Her narrative was utterly confusing...and it wasn't until she discovered the truth about the doctor that she left the surgery with no intention of returning...ever!

Aside from that, Clara is searching for her friend Elisa and her son Willy whilst at the same time trying to elude capture. She fears the worst and returns to Essen to look for them. Travelling with fake credentials she is soon apprehended by Captain Thomas Renshaw before reaching Essen. But in her bravery, Clara makes a daring escape to continue searching for her friend.

Clara then meets a black marketeer named Jakob who then helps her in her search for Elisa. He works out who Clara really is but unbeknownst to her he also has some information about Elisa. Will he disclose this information to her? But when Renshaw catches up he tries persuading Jakob to betray Clara in exchange for much needed supplies for his own family. Will Jakob betray Clara?

FINDING CLARA may have been an exciting search for answers but I found it confusing and convoluted and I couldn't complete it.

I would like to thank #AnikaScott, #NetGalley and #RandomHouseUK for an ARC of #FindingClara in exchange for an honest review.

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