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Monday, 1 June 2020

REVIEW: The Memory Wood by Sam Lloyd (ARC)

The Memory Wood by Sam Lloyd
Genre: Psychological thriller
Read: 31st May 2020
Purchase: Amazon
(publication date: 20th February 2020)

★ 1 star

I was really looking forward to reading THE MEMORY WOOD, but when it came down to it, it really wasn't anything all that exciting...not in my opinion anyway. But maybe I gave up before it did get exciting. Still, for me, if a book doesn't have you hooked from the first few pages or so then it's just not for me. Am I impatient? Maybe. But for me, life is too short to waste time on books that take too long to get interesting. And I have so many other books awaiting my attention.

I can't even tell you much about the book because I tossed it after about 10% when Elissa was abducted. I felt disconnected from both children in the story. Elijah was just so standoffish and Elissa was just too wrapped up in her own world that even getting dressed required too many brain cells. I didn't like either of them and therefore I just couldn't continue following their story.

I see I am in the minority here, as so many others loved this debut thriller from Sam Lloyd, but slow burners just don't do it for me. And there seem to be so many slow burners coming out just now. But if it's too slow and I get the feeling that I'm not going to enjoy it, I give up. I may have missed out on a great read, but like I said, if a book takes too long to get my attention then for me it isn't worth it.

But don't take my word for it...give it a go yourself. You might love it, or you may be like me and think it is taking too long to get anywhere.

I would like to thank #SamLloyd, #NetGalley and #RandomHouseUK for an ARC of #TheMemoryWood in exchange for an honest review.

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