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Friday, 28 February 2020

REVIEW: The Sleepover by Samantha King (ARC)

The Sleepover by Samantha King
Genre: Psychological thriller
Read: 27th February 2020
Purchase: Amazon
(publication date: 7th November 2019)

★★★ 3.5 stars

My first book by Samantha King, THE SLEEPOVER is every parent's worst nightmare. Your child goes to a sleepover and you return to collect him the next morning only to find he isn't there! His friends aren't saying anything, the mother is oblivious and you're pulling your hair out racking your brains thinking where your child could possibly be!

This is what happens to Izzy Brooke and her 12 year old son Nick.

Izzy has always been protective of her son ever since he was born, particularly after returning home one afternoon when, nearing the end of her pregnancy, she found the love of her life and father of her unborn child had hanged himself. Despite her grief she vowed to be the best mother she could be to her son and protect him at all costs. But Nick needed a father and so with the help of her best friend Katie, Izzy joined a dating site and met Craig who she later married. Craig was a good step-father to Nick. He loved him like he was his own flesh and blood, and he adored Izzy.

Then a year ago, Nick was brutally attacked by bullies when he decided to walk to school by himself. It was this incident that divided the once happy family with accusations flying, resulting in Craig leaving the family home. And it was Izzy and Nick once more.

Now a year later to the day, it is Friday the 13th and Nick is pleading with his mum to allow him to go to his best friend Adrian's house for a sleepover. Still reeling from Craig's accusations last year and her guilt at not protecting her son enough, Izzy is reluctant to let him go. But this is a new school and these are new friends. What could go wrong?

Finally relenting, she drops him off and arranges to collect him the following morning. But the next day when she arrives, all her nightmares have become reality when it is discovered that Nick isn't there. Overcome with guilt once again and telling herself she knew this was a bad idea, Izzy is frantic with worry. She questions each of the boys there but they claim to know nothing. Nick was there when they went to sleep...and when they woke he was gone.

The police are called and Izzy's ex, Craig, arrives with everyone turning over thoughts and possibilities while the three boys sat there white with shock. Where could Nick have gone in the middle of the night? And why would he leave the sleepover he was so desperate to attend, leaving all his belongings behind? It didn't make sense.

And then a body is found in the Thames...

Questions arise and fingers are pointed as we are thrown different scenarios and red herrings to throw us off the scent as Izzy searches for the truth about what happened to her son. As the reader, we suspect just about everyone along the way as the story threw us twist after twist!

The story is gripping from the beginning though it slows down in pace for most of the way until the penultimate finale delivering a few shocks, whilst remaining compelling throughout.

A cautionary tale, THE SLEEPOVER covers a variety of topics every parent should be aware of - bullying, peer pressure, the social media influence, secrets and duplicitous behaviour.

The final twist, when it came, was shocking but I had admittedly anticipated it just prior to its reveal. A twisted psychopathic tale, THE SLEEPOVER is a tense and taut thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat as you try to pick your way through the ever growing list of suspects. Even at the end, you are still questioning just who is really behind it!

THE SLEEPOVER is an engaging read I recommend to fans of psychological thrillers

I would like to thank #SamanthaKing, #NetGalley and #LittleBrownBookGroupUK for an ARC of #TheSleepover in exchange for an honest review.

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