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Saturday, 29 February 2020

REVIEW: Three Hours by Rosamund Lupton (ARC)

Three Hours by Rosamund Lupton
Genre: Thriller
Read: 29th February 2020
Purchase: Amazon
(publication date: 9th January 2020)

★ 1 star

I must be in the minority here because I simply could not get into this book. What is essentially THREE HOURS felt like three years to me...and I didn't even finish it! It was slow, uneventful and boring. I tried to connect to the characters but everything just felt I was viewing it through a fish bowl.

It is, from what I can gather, a hate crime. But then aren't most school shootings? I can't tell you much more as I never completed the book. I didn't even get to hear from the shooter's perspectives (if there ever was on).

The premise sounded interesting...but that was where it ended. My second book in a row that has been somewhat disappointing, although at least I finished the last one...this one I was just bored to tears.

20% is my cut-off point if a book fails to grab me. I couldn't even make it that far. Maybe I gave up too early...who knows...but for me, if a book does not grab your attention from the beginning and pulls you in, then I move on to something that does. I felt none of the thrills promised - just...*yawn*...boredom.

Billed as "One of the most exhilarating reading experiences I've ever had" - I feel as though I was reading a different book. But I guess THREE HOURS would be fine if you're into this type of story of this kind of crime, but it just wasn't for me, sadly.

I would like to thank #RosamundLupton, #NetGalley and #PenguinBooksUK for an ARC of #ThreeHours in exchange for an honest review.

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