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Monday, 7 August 2017

REVIEW: The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena

The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Read: 7th August 2017
Purchase: Amazon

★★★★ 4 stars

While the review on the cover stated that it was "a fast paced thriller", I can only agree on that score from about a third of the way in. Honestly, I struggled with this book at first as for the most part, for the first third of it anyway, nothing is set outside of Anne and Marco's house...with the exception of the opening dinner party next door, and didn't seem to be going anywhere. I didn't even like most of the characters, except Marco. I kind of felt sorry for him. And Detective Rasbach. He was a smart shrewd detective and nothing got by him. Everyone else was either pathetic or irritating. 

The book did begin to pick up about halfway through, though I still struggled to find anything likeable about the other characters. I couldn't stand Anne's step father and her mother gave the appearance of stoic strength but about as much warmth as a dead rat. Anne was basically pathetic, and though as her own story began to unfold, I did begin to feel sorry for her but then found myself wondering was it all an act?

In all, the story was pretty predictable with the events unfolding that none of it was a surprise to me. In fact I had guessed the identity of "whodunnit" and even why. It just became irritating when confronted with the truth more lies were thrown in because it was more than obvious it was really the truth and there was no point in denying it.

But despite this, I did enjoy the second half...if only to see the truly guilty get their comeuppance. Only the last chapter was a surprise. But the final lines left me wondering...was it just an act?

Enjoy the read and judge for yourself.

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