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Saturday, 23 September 2017

REVIEW: No Kiss Goodbye by Janelle Harris

No Kiss Goodbye by Janelle Harris
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Read: 23rd September 2017
Purchase: Amazon

★★★★★ 5 stars


What else can I say? I know most people have begun their reviews in much the same way...and upon reading it myself I can see why not a lot was said about the book and what happened. And while things may not make a lot of sense and may seem somewhat confusing, it all begins to make sense nearer then end. I know I found myself somewhat confused many times throughout. One thing I figured out early on in the book was about Laura's best friend Ava. I won't spoil it by saying what, but just that I figured, well suspected more accurately, that piece of the jigsaw correctly early in the piece.

It is a heartbreaking story. A confusing journey filled with illusions and half truths wrapped up in heartbreak. I was in tears throughout the entire epilogue, as Laura's journey came full circle. 

A brilliant debut. It's like nothing like you would expect.

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